Welcome to the National Alumni Association of Lincoln University |
BYLAWS | Link to the AALU 2021 Adopted Bylaws electronic file | Click here to read the National AALU Constitution
Alumni Association of Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, Inc.
Section 1 – Classification
The membership categories of the AALU-PA shall include Life, Life Member at Large, Regular, Regular Member at Large, Honorary and Associate.
Section 2 – Qualifications
Section 1 – Regular Meetings
There shall be at least two regular (general membership) meetings during the fiscal year, which should align with Homecoming and Alumni Reunion activities and occur in October and May to the greatest extent possible. These meetings are referred to in these bylaws as the “October” and “May” regular or general membership meetings. All members current in their financial responsibilities shall have voting privileges. Thirty (30) or more financial members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Notice of general membership meetings should be given 30 days in advance.
Section 2 - Alumni Council Meetings
The President serves as the Chair of the Alumni Council. The Council shall meet no less than three (3) times a year and will give at least 14 days notice to Council members. These meetings generally occur in October, prior to the Association’s October Meeting; February, in alignment with the university Board of Trustees Meeting; and May, during Alumni Reunion Weekend, but are subject to change . The quorum of the Alumni Council shall be one-third (1/3) or more of the Council’s total membership.
Section 3 – Virtual Meetings
Section 4 – Special Meetings
Section 1- Number and Title: There shall be 11 Officers and 6 Alumni Trustees of the AALU-PA.
Section 2 – Eligibility to Serve as Trustee or Hold Elected (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) or Appointed Office (Regional Director, Chaplain, Historian, Financial Secretary) in the AALU-PA
To be eligible and remain eligible, the Alumni Trustee or officer:
Section 3 – Eligibility for Nomination as an Alumni Trustee or Elected Officer of the AALU-PA
To be eligible the member:
Section 4 – Nominations
Section 5 – Elections
Section 6 – Tenure of Office
The term of office shall be two years for all elected and appointed officers of the AALU-PA. Alumni Trustees designated by the AALU-PA shall take office and serve in accordance with the University Bylaws; the term of office shall be four years. No more than two trustees shall be elected each year. No officer or alumni trustee shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 7 – Transition and Installation of Officers
The newly elected officers shall assume their respective offices on July 1, which shall be the first day of the new fiscal year after which they were elected. The Council shall adopt policies and procedures detailing an efficient and effective transition.
Section 8 – Recall / Removal of Officers
Section 9: Resignation
Any officer or other Council member may resign at any time by communicating their resignation in writing to the AALU Secretary and the President. A resignation is effective when it is received; unless the notice specifies a later effective date or subsequent event upon which it will become effective. The resignation shall not be granted until all property of the AALU-PA in the possession of the resigning Council member is returned to the AALU-PA.
Section 10 – Bonded Officers and Qualification for Bank Accounts
The Bonded officers of the AALU-PA shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and if assigned duties include handling cash or financial transactions the Secretary and Financial Secretary. These officers shall be bonded at the expense of the AALU-PA. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer must be qualified to be named on the financial accounts of the Association. In accordance with Chapter III, Section 2 of these Bylaws, officers who are not bondable and qualified to be named on financial accounts are not eligible to hold office in the AALU-PA.
Section 1 – President
The duties of the President are:
Section 2 – Vice President
In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall serve in place of the President. The Vice President will work with the Director of Alumni Relations and the Regional Directors to develop alumni chapters and other duties assigned by the Executive Committee and/or Council. The Vice President shall submit reports to the Executive Committee, Council and membership of the AALU-PA.
Section 3 –Secretary
The duties of the Secretary shall be:
Section 4 – Treasurer
The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
Section 5 – Financial Secretary
Section 6 – Regional Directors
1. There should be a Director over each of the Regions:
2. The duties of the Regional Directors are:
Section 7 – Chaplain
The Chaplain shall recite or lead invocations and benedictions at the opening and closing of meetings or other services.
Section 8 – Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian is appointed by the President and shall advise the President and other officers, members, and committees on matters of parliamentary procedures. The Parliamentarian has a duty to maintain impartiality, and therefore does not make motions, participate in debate, or vote on any question except in the case of a ballot vote.
Section 9 – Historian
The Historian shall prepare a narrative account of the AALU-PA’s activities during his/her term in office, which, when approved by the AALU-PA, shall become a permanent part of the AALU-PA’s official history.
Section 10 – Alumni Trustees
Alumni Trustees serve as members of the AALU Council and as Lincoln University Trustees in accordance with the University Bylaws. Alumni Trustees:
Section 1 – Standing Committees
The Standing Committees of the AALU-PA shall consist of the Executive, Nominations and Elections, Finance, Auditing, Publicity, Program, Ways and Means, Membership, Young Alumni, and Sunshine Committees. The chairs of each Standing Committee shall be Council Members and shall submit, for approval, to the AALU-PA and Council, through the Finance Committee, their annual program budget 30 days prior to the May meeting.
Section 2 – Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Chairs of the Finance, Program, and Membership Committees. The Parliamentarian shall serve the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity consistent with these Bylaws. The Executive Committee shall have the general control of the affairs and programs of the AALU-PA subject to the authority of the Council, and the provisions of the bylaws. The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be more than one-half of the Committee’s total membership or 4 members. The Executive Committee shall be responsible:
Section 3 – Nominations and Elections Committee
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall be composed of five (5) members who shall be elected at the May meeting of the AALU-PA. The member receiving the highest number of votes shall be the chairperson of the committee. If this situation does not occur, the members of the committee shall elect its own chairperson. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall oversee the election process after its report is formally presented to the assembly. If one of the nominees withdraws before the election, the committee shall be re-convened and must meet within two (2) weeks to agree upon another nomination. Members of the Nominations and Elections Committee may become nominees for an elective office themselves; however once they agree to become a nominee they must resign from their Nominations and Elections Committee position. In the event that a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee resigns, The President must nominate a replacement committee member within 30 days. The nominee must be approved by a simple majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 4 – Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary and at least four (4) other members appointed by the President before the October meeting. The Finance Committee shall prepare a budget for the fiscal year beginning the first day of July and to submit it for approval to the Council and the Association at their regular meetings in May. The Finance Committee shall from time to time submit supplements to the budget.
Section 5 – Auditing Committee
The Auditing Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members appointed by the President at the October membership Meeting who shall be responsible for auditing the Treasurer’s accounts, once received within 45 days of the close of the fiscal year and present a report to the Council at the October meeting. The Committee shall also be responsible for facilitating the external audit at the end of each two-year term (see Chapter IV, section 4).
Section 6 – Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members appointed by the President. The function of the Public Relations Committee is to positively publicize the AALU-PA’s members and events to all available media.
Section 7 – Program Committee
The Program Committee shall be composed of at least five (5) members appointed by the President promptly after the October meeting. The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning the annual program of the AALU-PA, including how it can accomplish the mission and objectives of the AALU-PA.
Section 8 – Ways and Means Committee
The Ways and Means Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members chosen by the President. The function of this committee shall be to coordinate fundraising efforts of the AALU-PA.
Section 9 – Sunshine Committee
The Sunshine Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members chosen by the President. The purpose of the Sunshine Committee is to provide for the health and welfare of the membership as needed.
Section 10 – Young Alumni Committee
The Young Alumni Committee shall consist of at least three members chosen by the President. The purpose of the Young Alumni Committee is to lead the AALU-PA’s responsibility to identify, address and support the needs of alumni who are 15 years or less post-Lincoln attendance by supporting the Association in providing educational, philanthropic, social and networking opportunities.
Section 11 – Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members chosen by the President. The Regional Directors shall be part of the Membership Committee. The purpose of the Membership Committee is to recruit new members, retain current members, and reclaim inactive members of the AALU-PA. The Membership Committee shall prepare reports due at each regular Council meeting that includes the size and demographics of the AALU-PA membership. This report shall also be detailed and provided by geographic location to the Chapter representatives for each member’s locale.
Section 12 - Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Committees of the AALU-PA shall be selected by the President of the AALU. These Committee Chairs and/or Members are non-voting members of the Council.
It shall be the sole authority of the AALU-PA to formulate, establish, create and recognize all alumni chapters. The Council shall adopt guidelines for the establishment of new/revitalized AALU-PA Chapter. Local chapters of the General Alumni AALU-PA shall be formed by authorization of the Executive Committee in accordance with AALU-PA approved guidelines on the application of five (5) or more members who are current in their financial responsibilities subject to the following conditions:
These bylaws shall be reviewed every four years. They may be amended, or new bylaws adopted as presented by the Constitution and Bylaws Review Committee at any regular meeting of the Association by two-thirds vote. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Council at least 60 days prior to a regular membership meeting. All proposed amendments must be disseminated to the membership at least 30 days prior to the regular membership meeting.
If, for any reason, the Association shall disband or cease operation, all assets of the Association shall be donated to The Lincoln University Foundation.
Revised – October, 2000
Revised – November, 2000
Revised – January, 2001
Adopted – May 5, 2001
Revised – February 2013
Adopted – May 11, 2013
Revised - May 1, 2021
Next review scheduled for 2025 or earlier pursuant to Chapter VII