Congratulations to the AALU Coastal Virginia Chapter on a successful Lincoln Comes to Hampton Roads event last weekend.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Watch your email to receive one year of free membership in the AALU.


This gathering will take place at the beautiful RIU PALACE KUKULKAN, an Adults Only, Five Star, All Inclusive resort located at the heart of one of the most touristic destinations in Mexico, Cancun. 

While the dates are June 26- 29, 2025, you can tailor the trip to your preferred arrival and departure dates.

Listed rates include Resort Stay, Taxes, Fees and Shuttle Transfers to and from the resort. 

To book, click the link below...

To check out the Riu Palace Kukulkan Resort, click below...

See you in Paradise!!




See you on the Yard at the Alumni Family Gathering on Saturday, July 13th.

We have vending opportunities available to please spread the word! Proceeds support the golf tournament.

Alumni-related Events 2024-25

  • 07/01/2024 New Fiscal Year and Dues for Annual Members

  • 07/13/2024  Alumni Family Gathering (details)

  • 07/15/2024  4th Annual Golf Tournament

  • 08/11/2024  Freshmen Move-in Day 2024

  • 08/17/2024 2nd Annual John Johnston III 4K Run/Walk/The National Pancreas Foundation

  • 10/12/2024   Homecoming weekend/Breakfast Meet & Greet

  •  10/26/2024  AALU meeting


Dear LU Community,

As we enter fiscal year 2025 on July 1st, I think about my last three years as AALU President and what I hope the Association will accomplish by the end of my final year in office. We have accomplished a lot in terms of supporting our people, increasing our financial power to contribute, and broadening our participation.

At the same time, we still have work to do to enlarge our membership, envision/reimagine what alumni participation actually means, and to enlist legions of champions to advance support of Lincoln.

Sustainability is on my mind, as we work to enshrine the legacy of the Alumni Association as an indispensable partner in advancing the mission of LIncoln.

Email to let us know your interest


This year, we collected a few quotes from some of our favorite alumni dads to share.

Update: on the Lincoln University Lion Statues Legacy Campaign

The Campaign is OPEN

The Bring the Lions Home Campaign was a resounding success! With the visionary leadership of Lion Ron Slaughter '73; his cohort of alumni, classmates, and friends; and with the energy and perserverance of the AALU Program Committee, we raised over $55,000 to purchase two majestic antique Lions, one looking toward our past, with the second one focused on our future. And we were able to transport them safely to Lincoln where they are resting in a temporary location.

Going forward, the AALU will coordinate alumni participation and fundraising to complete the site development and installation of these majestic emblems of Lion pride. The University is launching a committee, with alumni participation, to oversee the integration of these statues into the Campus Master Plan. The AALU is planning  a Lions Legacy & Brick Building Fundraising Campaign. Alumni and friends who have donated $500 or more to date, will receive bricks and priority placement when the site is developed, as well as recognition as an early donor. There is still time to join the priority group by donating now. You may add to a previous donation.

Once the Brick Building Fundraising Campaign starts, pricing, priority placement, and recognition opportunities will change. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to leave a permanent legacy on Lincoln's campus. Become an early donor today!

Donate to the Lion Statues Legacy Campaign

Melissa Quinones ‘14 is one of six alums recently honored by the AALU New York Metro Chapter at its Alumni Awards Program. She is a Mass Communications graduate with impressive accomplishments in media, particularly TV and film.

Please read her impressive and inspirational BIO! We are excited to spotlight her in the Roar! At the NY Metro event, she announced her latest project, Parks University, a sci-fi thriller loosely based on Lincoln University. She needs our support, as she will announce a crowdfunding campaign for this project. Stay tuned!  We will share the information SOON!!

Register VERY SOON space and free tee shirt giveaways are limited.

Questions? Contact:

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